People watch or listen to what they value.  My hope that they would listen to Greater Good because I think it's bringing the right dialogue together and asking...or allowing the opportunity to ask the right questions.  Sometimes I think there's apathy in our communities to deal with the big issues.  People have that fundamental belief that they cannot create change.  Yeah, it's that sense of helplessness.  

Nainoa Thompson - President of the Polynesian Voyaging Society

You're very passionate about this program, I can tell.  And what I see in your is what I want to see more of in people in the community.  So many times I run into folks who just seem to do something because it's a job.  Or they're getting paid.  And with you I could tell, this is something you're interested in, you've had great guests on the show, and I wanted to add my name to the list of folks you've had here and I wanted you to know that no matter how busy I am as Mayor, that I take seriously invitations from all people

Mufi Hannemann - Mayor of the City and County of Honolulu

I think there's probably a lot of good life's tips that occur. Based on my exposure so far, I think there's a lot to be learned, a lot to be gleaned. I would guess that readers or listeners would be out there with pen and paper taking down notes that perhaps could influence their life, could influence folks around them. I think it's worth listening.

Steven Hummer - Commanding General of the marine Corps Base Hawaii

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